Why Should You Update Your Development Excel Model?

You wouldn’t use a Sony Discman to listen to your music today, so why would you still be using Microsoft Excel, which was also invented in 1985, exclusively for your commercial real estate project management needs?

Here are some solid reasons you should ditch any outdated management system you may be using, and reap the benefits of a cloud-based project management platform that houses all your project-specific communication, contacts, schedules and more — all in one place.

Improved communication
Whether you’re out on site or in the office, the difference between streamlining urgent team communication in one place versus having to sift through hundreds of email threads or text messages could mean a significant increase in time and efficiency.

Ability to track/move critical dates

Sure, you can manually insert and update due dates on the spreadsheet, but you can’t set useful reminders to be automatically sent to your team before the deadline. Adopting a modern platform will not only automate the reminders, but also enable dependencies to be created so that steps affected by a delay thereafter will be pushed back accurately.

Organized project-specific contacts

If you’re still using Excel, even just for a contacts database, then you’re risking the chance of either not having the correct contact at your fingertips on-the-go or creating confusion as to who is the key point of contact for each project and what was last communicated to them.

Clear-cut task management

Modern project management platforms allow you to assign tasks in an instantaneous way that tags the assignee and notifies them of the details, as opposed to the old-fashioned way of manual follow-ups, where to-dos can easily slip through the cracks.

Note: There are also no individual to-do lists in Excel project templates for team members to keep track of their own necessary subtasks. 

The technological difference in today’s platforms is truly incomparable with the decades-old Excel model. With a modern project management software, such as DealforceCRE, there is greater transparency of project-specific information, errors are reduced, and the workload accountability is easily distributed.

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